How can you place a wholesale/bulk order?

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    Do you provide design services?

    Sure. At very little cost, you can design a vibrant aesthetic for your event and business. Our experienced designers will carefully design with you.

    If I provide a Design file?

    Sure, If you need to make minor changes to the design, it’s free. All the files you can provide for the design SVG or AI file.

    What is the minimum number of pieces you can purchase?

    You can order a minimum of 20 pieces. But design, colour, and cloth will need time on it. It will be communicated to you

    Delivery Time.

    Our representative will let you know how many days it will take to deliver your order.

    Fabrics produced from Fabrilook’s own manufacturing plant located in Savar are manufactured under continuous supervision and quality control.(সাভারে অবস্থিত ফ্যাব্রিলুকের নিজস্ব উৎপাদন কারখানা থেকে উৎপাদিত কাপড় সার্বক্ষণিক তদারকি ও মান নিয়ন্ত্রণ এর ভেতর দিয়ে উৎপাদন করা হয়ে থাকে ।)

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